The British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference

6-8 September 2024, St Anne’s College, Oxford

Registration has now CLOSED.

A confirmed schedule with timings is available HERE.


Garry Hagberg (Bard College): ‘The Structure of Metaphor and the Meaning of (at least some) Art’
Jennifer Saul (Waterloo) & Raymond Drainville (Waterloo): ‘Can’t Unsee: Visual Dogwhistles Without Deniability’

Akram Khan, MBE (Choreographer & Dancer) 

A.W. Eaton (Illinois), Tareeq Jalloh (Sheffield), Shirley Anne Tate (Alberta): ‘Aesthetics & Oppression’

Jeremy Page (Uppsala), ‘Artistic Honesty’

‘Philosophical Issues in Recent Photography and Photographically Derived Imagery’
Claire Anscomb (De Montfort)
Diarmuid Costello (Warwick)
Vid Simoniti (Liverpool)

‘Taste, Fiction, and Agency in Chinese Aesthetics’
James Harold (Mount Holyoke College)
Hannah Kim (Arizona)
Dominic McIver Lopes (British Columbia)
Davide Andrea Zappulli (British Columbia)

‘The Philosophy of Non-Fiction’
Paloma Atencia-Linares (UNED)
Filippo Contesi (Milan)
Stacie Friend (Edinburgh)
Enrico Terrone (Genoa)

Zed Adams (New School for Social Research), ‘Recordings of Recordings, Pictures of Pictures’
Adriana Clavel-Vázquez (Tilburg), ‘Towards a Decolonial Universalism in Aesthetics’
David Collins (Churchill College, Cambridge), ‘Nominal and Substantive Senses of Art’
Guy Dammann (Uppsala), ‘Creativity in Art Criticism’
Patrik Engisch (Geneva), ‘Creativity that Matters’
Alice Helliwell (Northeastern University London), ‘Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: Can AI Create With Flair?’
Milena Ivanova (Cambridge), ‘The Real Problem with AI Art’
Joseph Kassman-Tod (Berkeley), ‘The ‘Poetic’ Quality of Art Criticism’ (New Horizons award winner, 2024)
Irene Martínez Marín (Uppsala), ‘On the Varieties of Aesthetic Autonomy: Acquaintance, Competence, and Authenticity’
Madeline Martin-Seaver (South Florida), ‘Self-Objectification as Self Preservation’
Colette Olive (Cambridge), ‘Art as Journalism – A New Framework for Socially Engaged Art’
Asmus Trautsch (Greifswald), ‘Aesthetic Appreciation of Sustainable Gardens in Support of Creating a Planetary Garden’
Freya Wynne (Cardiff), ‘A New Lens – Exploring Technology’s Impact on Our Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature’

Sophie Cote (New York University) ‘Adrian Stokes on ‘Art Twice Over’
Vincenzo Grasso (Milan & Genoa), ‘The Aspectuality of Literary Works’
Alice Harberd (UCL), ‘Rich Narrativity’
Artur Harris (Oxford) ‘How Aesthetic Value May Not Be a Kind of Value’
Edit Karlsson (Uppsala), ‘Minimalist Semantics and Aesthetic Utterances’
Camilla Palazzolo (Genoa), ‘Contemporary Art and the Challenge of Conservation’
Victor Popa (Ecole Normale Supérieure), ‘Mapping Fictional Truth: A New Classification of Fictional Truths’
Irene Romero Suárez (Birkbeck), ‘Do Inaccuracies Matter in Fiction?’
Emily Williamson (Central European University), ‘The Cognitive Value of Discrepant Affective Responses to Artworks’


Daisy Dixon (co-chair, Cardiff), Panos Paris (co-chair, Cardiff), María José Alcaraz León (Murcia), Ryan P. Doran (Barcelona), Miguel F. Dos Santos (Uppsala), Andrew Huddleston (Warwick), Milena Ivanova (Cambridge), Aaron Meskin (Georgia), Monique Roelofs (Amsterdam), and Sandra Shapshay (CUNY).


Adriana Clavel-Vázquez (Tilburg), and Karen Simecek (Warwick).


In an effort to increase diversity in British aesthetics and philosophy of art, the British Society of Aesthetics launched this new initiative in 2019 to encourage UK undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider further study in the discipline. We will provide funding to a limited number of such students to attend the BSA Annual Conference, held at St Anne’s College, Oxford.

The funding will cover registration, accommodation, meals and travel within the UK only. (There is also additional funding to accommodate conference participants with disabilities.) The students will have postgraduate student mentors to guide them around the conference and talk to them about postgraduate study in aesthetics and philosophy of art.

Students are eligible for funding if they are both:
(i) Undergraduates studying philosophy (either a philosophy degree or one that includes some element of philosophy) at a UK university at the time of the conference, or who have just completed an undergraduate degree (in 2024); and
(ii) Members of a group underrepresented in the discipline. Groups include but are not limited to: BAME; disabled; trans/non-binary gender identity; low socioeconomic status; first in their family to attend university.

For questions about eligibility please contact the BSA Managers at .

To apply, students should send an email to with ‘Undergraduate Diversity Initiative’ as the subject, and include:

1. A brief statement of how you are eligible, addressing (i) and (ii) above. For (i), please state the university and course. For (ii), this may simply be a declaration of belonging to one of the above groups, or alternatively an indication of a different underrepresented group;

2. A short paragraph (max 200 words) saying why you want to attend the conference;  

3. The contact information for a lecturer or administrator who can confirm that you are enrolled on a relevant course. Please ensure that the lecturer/administrator knows that they may be contacted.

4. An indication of where you would be traveling from. (This is for the purpose of financial estimates relating to travel only; it will not be taken into account in awarding funding.)

The deadline for applications is WEDNESDAY 31 JULY 2024.  Successful awardees will be notified in early August.

For questions about the application process or anything else, please send an email to the BSA Manager at 

2024 Annual General Meeting of the British Society of Aesthetics

The 2024 AGM takes place on Saturday 7 September, time tbc. BSA members will receive joining instructions via email.

1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. President’s report
5. Vice-President’s report
6. Treasurer’s report
7. BJA editors’ report
8. Debates in Aesthetics editors’ report
9. Equity & Diversity report
10. Website editor’s report
11. Conference organisers’ report
12. Postdoctoral awardee’s report
13. AOB

ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES (apply to in-person conference)

We aim to make this conference as accessible as possible, in line with [ this ] guidance for accessible conferences. To that end:

1. There will be a short break between each session and the Q&A, and delegates may step out if they need to.
2. We will allow questions during Q&A to be written down rather than spoken out loud.
3. Some funding is available towards the cost of sign-language interpretation. Contact us for more information.
4. A hearing loop is available in the main lecture theater (Tsuzuki) but not currently in the adjacent lecture theater for parallel sessions. Contact us if you will require a hearing loop.
5. Service animals have access all areas.
6. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
7. The venue has nearby disabled toilets.
8. The venue has a nearby quiet room.
9. The venue has available seating (seats at the front can be reserved on request).
10. No travel between venues is required as the meeting rooms and accommodation are all in close proximity.
11. There is nearby disabled parking.
12. We aim to accommodate all dietary requirements. Please state such needs when you register.

Please contact us at if you have further questions not resolved above.


The main front entrance (from Woodstock Road) to the College is level. Delegates will report to the Porter’s Lodge, at the main entrance, to sign in. One entrance to the Lodge is level whilst the second entrance has a ramp.

The Lodge is housed within the Ruth Deech Building, which has ramp access and a lift to reach the lower ground floor. The lift can take mobility scooters / wheelchairs.

Doors to enter the Ruth Deech Building open automatically.
Conference signs will be posted to direct you through the college.
There is free access to all areas for guide dogs.


The conference registration desk will be located outside the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre on the lower ground floor of the Ruth Deech building.


All our sessions take place in either the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre or Seminar Room 7. Both these rooms are off the foyer on the lower ground floor of the Ruth Deech building.

The Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre is tiered, with wheelchair spaces by the entrance. There is also wheelchair access for any speakers onto the stage via a ramp. Speakers are encouraged to use the microphone and table situated on the platform/stage.

Seminar Room 7 is flat-floored with easy access for wheelchair users.

Doors to Tsuzuki and SR 7 are not automatic; however, door stops can be used.

A hearing loop is available in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre but not currently in SR 7.

Seats can be reserved at the front upon request.

The closest wheelchair accessible toilets are located in the foyer, approximately four meters from the meeting rooms.

The Conference Office is a quiet room, with seating, available nearby. This is the opposite end of the foyer from the meeting rooms.


Food and refreshments will be served in either the Dining Hall or the Ruth Deech foyer. The Dining Hall has a slight ramp to access. The Dining Hall has accessible toilets which are located approximately ten metres from the serving/seating area.

If you have a food allergy, please let us know when booking as the College requires details in advance of arrival.


All our delegate accommodation is in student rooms on campus. There are rooms specifically designed for disabled access. We ask delegates to advise us of their accommodation requirements upon booking, so that suitable accommodation can be reserved.


Parking at the College is strictly disabled access only, booked in advance. We ask delegates to advise us of their requirements upon booking, so that spaces can be arranged according to individual needs.


The main entrance to the college bar is not wheelchair accessible and has a flight of stairs but arrangements can be made with the Lodge to escort delegates via an accessible route. Please let us know in advance so that we can make this arrangement at your convenience.


A room close to the meeting space can be reserved for this purpose. Please could you let us know at the point of booking if you will require this.


Unfortunately St Anne’s is not able to accommodate children under 16 as there are no recreational areas or childcare facilities. There is no family accommodation. St Anne’s has provided a list of local hotels, including family-friendly accommodation. Please click here to download the PDF.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any requirements and we will do our best to meet your needs. We welcome suggestions that will help us improve future versions of this access information.


site map

British Society of Aesthetics

Policy on Harassment and Unwelcoming Behaviour*

The following policy applies to the BSA Annual Conference as well as to BSA Trustees Committee meetings, including meetings of any sub-committees. Organisers of conferences funded by the BSA are expected to have suitable policies in place. Members of the BSA Trustees Committee, whether elected, appointed or ex officio , are also expected to comply with the policy when representing the Society.

The BSA is committed to fostering an environment that is inclusive, tolerant of diversity of views, perspectives and methodologies, and free from bias, discrimination, and intimidation. Accordingly, the BSA is dedicated to promoting a welcoming atmosphere for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression/assignment, sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or pregnancy maternity, or belief, religion, or social or economic status.

We will not tolerate harassment of or discrimination against participants in any form. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

– Disrespectful or dismissive behaviour or language on the basis of gender, gender identity or expression/assignment, sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, pregnancy or maternity, or belief, religion, or social or economic status;

– Unwelcome sexual attention;

– Inappropriate physical contact;

– Intimidation, stalking or following;

– Harassing photography or recording;

– Sustained disruption of talks or other participation;

– Inappropriate verbal content or images in presentations or in discussion;

– Habitual and repeated misgendering.

The above list is not exhaustive. In general, we will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour that makes participants feel unwelcome at the Conference or at Trustees Meetings. BSA policy requires that participants must follow these rules at all event venues and event-related social activities.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in harassing behaviour, the BSA reserves the right to take any actions to keep the event a welcoming environment for all participants. Penalties may range from warning the offender to expulsion from the conference with no refund up to and including expulsion from the Society and any future events.

Reporting Harassment

If you are the target of harassment or other unwelcoming behaviour, or you observe someone else being harassed, please report the incident as soon as possible. Harassment reduces the value of participation for everyone.

At the BSA Annual Conference you can make a report in person to one of two Conference Equalities Representatives (who will be identified on the conference page of our website) or anonymously online using the BSA Complaints Form.

In response to a report of harassment, the BSA President will normally appoint an ad hoc committee of members of the Society to investigate and recommend an appropriate course of action.

1. Reporting to a Conference Equalities Representative

 You can make confidential reports of harassment to one of two Conference Equalities Representatives (CER), who have been selected for the role by the BSA President. When taking a personal report, the CER will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. The CER may involve other event staff to ensure your report is managed properly. You may bring someone to support you in making a report. You will not be asked to confront anyone and the CER will not tell anyone who you are without your consent.

The CER will ask you what information can be shared with the BSA President and/or other BSA Officers.

2. Submitting an Anonymous Online Report

You can make an anonymous report online using the BSA Complaints Form.

Submissions will not indicate who you are unless you choose to include this information in the report. However, it will be helpful to have as much information as possible about the nature of the incident, so that we can make appropriate queries and take appropriate action.

Because we cannot guarantee that online reports will be checked immediately, if any immediate action is required at the conference, we recommend that you report the incident to a CER or inform a CER that an online report has been submitted.

This policy has been modelled on the Policy on Harassment and Unwelcoming Behaviour of the British Society for Ethical Theory, with their permission.