BSA 2015 Annual Conference

The 55th  British Society of Aesthetics annual conference took place from 18-20 September 2015, at Homerton College, Cambridge. Eighty-nine delegates attended.


Paul Boghossian (New York), ‘Should we be Objectivists about Aesthetic Value?’
Catherine Elgin (Harvard), ‘The Role of Reasons in Aesthetics’

Catharine Abell (Manchester) and Jacob Cartwright, ‘The Emotions of Others’

Emily Brady (Edinburgh), Tom Cochrane (Sheffield), Katerina Deligiorgi (Sussex): ‘The Sublime’
Paloma Atencia Linares (UNAM), Margrethe Bruun Vaage (Kent), Eileen John (Warwick), Derek Matravers (Open University), Kendall Walton (Michigan): ‘Author meets Critics: Kendall Walton’s In Other Shoes
Catharine Abell (Manchester), Greg Currie (York), Stacie Friend: ‘Genre’
Hanne Appelqvist (Academy of Finland / Helsinki), Jonathan Neufeld (College of Charlston), Brian Soucek (UC David School of Law): ‘Aesthetic Obedience & Disobedience’

Christopher Bartel (Appalachian State University), ‘The Ontology of Musical Works and the Role of Intuition’
Ben Blumson (Singapore), ‘Metaphorically’
Anthony Cross (California), ‘Trading Up Relationships with Art’
Anthony Fisher (Manchester), ‘Musical works as structural Universals’
Jonathan Gilmore (CUNY), ‘The Problem of Discrepant Affects’
Julia Langkau (Konstanz), ‘Learning from Fiction’
Jason Leddington (Bucknell),‘The Experience of Magic’
Clare Leigh (Melbourne), ‘The Fictional Author’
Bence Nanay (Antwerp/Cambridge), ‘Modernism and Pictorial Organisation’
Madeleine Ransom (British Columbia), ‘Frauds, Posers and Sheep’

Alexy Aliyev (Maryland), ‘What Instances of Novels Are’
Tom Baker (Nottingham), ‘Transparency Olfaction and Aesthetics’
James Camien McGuiggan (Southampton), ‘Abstraction and Predicting Aesthetic from Moral Properties’
Kathrine Cuccuru (UCL), ‘Aesthetic Attention’
Robbie Kubala (Columbia), ‘Could it be worth thinking about Proust on Love’
Panagiotis Paris (St Andrews), ‘The Empirical Case for Moral Beauty’
Madeleine Ransom (British Columbia), ‘Frauds, Posers and Sheep’
Nils-Hennes Stear (Michigan), ‘Meriting a Response: Accounting for Seductive Artworks’
Michel-Antoine Xhignesse (McGill), ‘Titles Unnamed’

Murray Smith (co-chair, Kent) and Dawn Wilson (co-chair, Hull), Maria Alcaraz-Leon (Murcia), David Davies (McGill), Fabian Dorsch (Fribourg), Jonathan Gilmore (CUNY/Baruch College), Louise Hanson (Cambridge), Katherine Thomson-Jones (Oberlin), and Lee Walters (Southampton).