Christopher Peacocke – Music: The Perception of Relational Properties and their Aesthetic Significance

Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, March 13, 4-6pm The relational properties perceived in listening to music are highly distinctive. The range of the properties perceived in music is much wider and richer than is commonly recognized; and their … Read More

Realism and Antirealism in Aesthetics and Metaethics

A British Society of Aesthetics Connections Conference University of Cambridge, 9-10 August 2014 Speakers: Russ Shafer-Landau Paul Boghossian Jessica Wilson Rob Hopkins Max Kolbel Simon Kirchin Angela Breitenbach More TBA Are there facts about whether something is beautiful, or … Read More

Realist Film and Television after Alan Clarke

University of York, 11 June 2014 Speakers: Dr. David Rolinson (Stirling), Dr. David Tucker (Chester) The films of Alan Clarke remain among the most controversial and important examples of British ‘cinematic realism’. Those for which he remains best known, such … Read More

Dr Barbara Underwood: Creativity and Invisibility: Gender and Music

St Mary’s University, Philosophy Royal Institute of Philosophy Public Lecture Wednesday 26 March 2014 5.15-6.45pm followed by a drinks reception Abstract Jacques Attali wrote that “… naturalization is one of the functions of ideology. It occurs when the assumptions of … Read More

Re-imagining human through the practice of dialogue

University of Leuven, 18-20 September 2014 Panel-convenor: Marije Altorf The notion of dialogue denotes a range of diverse practices. Dialogues have been proven to be the means of averting disaster between warring parties, but the promise of dialogue has also … Read More

Second Annual Davis Extravaganza (DEX2)

UC Davis, April 14-15, 2014 Speakers include: Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins (UBC) Gillian Russell (Washington University in St Louis) Irem Kurtsal Steen (Boğaziçi University) John Hawthorne (Oxford) Michael Glanzberg (Northwestern) Roy Cook (Minnesota) Contact Ted Shear ( if you plan on … Read More

15th International Conference on Presence (ISPR 2014)

17-19 March 2014, Vienna, Austria. Following a series of 14 successful Presence conferences, this conference will convey an overview over the latest developments in Virtual Reality (VR) research. International experts with diverse scientific backgrounds present their research and discuss … Read More

Catharine Abell: Genre and Medium

Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, March 6, 4-6pm Works in different media can belong to the same genre: there are comic films, plays and novels, and there are noir novels and noir films. Many of the claims made … Read More

CFP: Ancient Nonsense. Did the Greeks have their own ‘Jabberwockies’?

University of Exeter, 22-24 July 2014 Can the category of ‘nonsense’, either in its logical, literary or linguistic usage, be found in, or applied to, the ancient world? What types of ancient cultural phenomena do we classify as ‘nonsense’ and … Read More

“The Philosophy of Translation and the Translation of Philosophy

hosted by the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Zurich Programme: Monday, 17th February 2014 University of Zurich, Room KO2-F-174 18:00 – 18:15 Welcome Address 18:15 – 19:15 Keynote: Hans-Johann Glock (University of Zurich): Translation, Incommensurability and Indeterminacy 19:15 … Read More

SPAH PhD Scholarships

The School of Philosophy and Art History (SPAH) at the University of Essex is pleased to invite applications for SPAH PhD Scholarships. These awards support talented students to take up a PhD within the School and are available to Home/EU … Read More

Nature and Culture in German Romanticism and Idealism

UNSW Australia and the University of Sydney 12-14 March, 2014 The last two decades can be described as witness to a genuine revival of interest in German romantic and idealist philosophy. Philosophers working in a variety of areas have embraced … Read More

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