Home » British Society of Aesthetics » Second CFP: British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference

Second CFP: British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference

The British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference
6-8 September 2019, St Anne’s College, Oxford
Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2019
Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers)
Paul C. Taylor (Vanderbilt)
Stewart Lee (stand-up comedian, writer, director)
Proposals for symposia are invited in all areas of philosophical aesthetics. Proposals may be for panels on particular themes, author-meets-critics sessions or other special sessions. Proposals for symposia should include a general description of the topic or theme, along with the names and affiliations of all proposed participants and brief abstracts of all papers.
Symposia will last two hours, including discussion time, and should normally have three participants (at most four). Students may not submit proposals for symposia, though symposia may include students as participants, in which case their status should be specified.
The BSA has adopted the Good Practice Policy recommendations of the British Philosophical Association and the Society for Women in Philosophy. When drawing up a list of potential speakers, organizers must take appropriate steps to ensure that women are well represented, and provide evidence of having done so in their proposals. See the Good Practice website (bpa.ac.uk/resources/women-in-philosophy/good-practice) for more information and advice.
Papers are invited in all areas of philosophical aesthetics. All submissions should include a 200-word abstract and must be prepared for anonymous review.
There are two categories of submission:
1. REGULAR submissions may not exceed 3500 words excluding abstract, footnotes and bibliography (around 30 minutes’ reading time, to be followed by discussion). Students may not submit in this category.
2. STUDENT submissions by students enrolled in MA or doctoral degree programmes are to be marked as such at the time of submission and may not exceed 2500 words excluding abstract, footnotes and bibliography (around 20-25 minutes’ reading time, to be followed by discussion). Students whose papers are accepted will receive a stipend to defray conference fees, accommodation and up to £500 towards travel costs.
Abstracts without full papers, papers that are not prepared for anonymous review and papers that exceed the maximum length will not be considered. You may either submit a paper or be a member of a proposed panel, but not both.
Please also indicate whether you are willing to serve as a chair for a conference session. We especially encourage women and members of other under-represented groups to submit. Funding is available towards the cost of arranging childcare for any speakers who may require it. Please ask for details.
Submissions should be sent by email attachment in Word format to:
with the author’s name, affiliation, status (student or not) and contact details in the body of the email.  Please also direct any questions to this address.
Emily Caddick Bourne (co-chair, Hertfordshire), Hans Maes (co-chair, Kent), Katerina Bantinaki (Crete), Emily Brady (Texas A&M), Louise Hanson (Durham), Eileen John (Warwick), Jason Leddington (Bucknell), C. Thi Nguyen (Utah Valley), Heleen Pott (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Dawn Wilson (Hull)