In an effort to increase diversity in British aesthetics and philosophy of art, the British Society of Aesthetics launched this new initiative in 2019 to encourage UK undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider further study in the discipline. We will provide funding to a limited number of such students to attend the BSA Annual Conference, held at St Anne’s College, Oxford.

The funding will cover registration, accommodation, meals and travel within the UK only. (There is also additional funding to accommodate conference participants with disabilities.) The students will have postgraduate student mentors to guide them around the conference and talk to them about postgraduate study in aesthetics and philosophy of art.

Students are eligible for funding if they are both:
(i) Undergraduates studying philosophy (either a philosophy degree or one that includes some element of philosophy) at a UK university at the time of the conference, or who have just completed an undergraduate degree (in 2024); and
(ii) Members of a group underrepresented in the discipline. Groups include but are not limited to: BAME; disabled; trans/non-binary gender identity; low socioeconomic status; first in their family to attend university.

For questions about eligibility please contact the BSA Managers (Caroline Auty and Alice Dickinson) at admin@british-aesthetics.org

To apply, students should send an email to admin@british-aesthetics.org with ‘Undergraduate Diversity Initiative’ as the subject, and include:

1. A brief statement of how you are eligible, addressing (i) and (ii) above. For (i), please state the university and course. For (ii), this may simply be a declaration of belonging to one of the above groups, or alternatively an indication of a different underrepresented group;

2. A short paragraph (max 200 words) saying why you want to attend the conference;

3. The contact information for a lecturer or administrator who can confirm that you are enrolled on a relevant course. Please ensure that the lecturer/administrator knows that they may be contacted.

4. An indication of where you would be traveling from. (This is for the purpose of financial estimates relating to travel only; it will not be taken into account in awarding funding.)

The deadline for applications is WEDNESDAY 31 JULY 2024. Successful awardees will be notified in early August.

For questions about the application process or anything else, please send an email to the BSA Managers (Caroline Auty and Alice Dickinson) at admin@british-aesthetics.org.