The BSA gives several small grants of up to £4,000 each year in support of activities in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Past grants have been used to support conferences, workshops and lecture series, as well as the creation of podcasts and videos.

Applications must include a philosophical component. Applicants must be current, paid-up members of the Society. All events applied for must be held in the UK or Europe. Deadlines are 1 April (for a decision by mid-May) and 1 October (for a decision by mid-November).

Please read all the information on these pages carefully before applying. Applications that do not conform to our guidelines will be rejected.

Applicants should download our latest Guidelines document before completing the online application form.

Apply now!

For the online application form, click here.  Applications without a current BSA membership number will be rejected. Applicants may, if they wish, submit their budget as a spreadsheet attachment via email to