The Scottish Aesthetics Forum: “Pornography, speech acts, and fiction”

The Scottish Aesthetics Forum is delighted to announce its next lecture: Dr Kathleen Stock (Sussex) “Pornography, speech acts, and fiction” Wednesday, 24 January, 2018, 4:15 – 6:00pm 7 Bristo Square, Room 1.203 University of Edinburgh The lecture is free and … Read More

CfA: Educating Character Through the Arts, Birmingham

Educating Character Through the Arts University of Birmingham Conference Centre, 19th-21st July, 2018 Call for Abstracts – Deadline: 10 February 2018 From antiquity to the present, the virtues – construed in terms of such excellences of character as honesty, fairness, … Read More

CfP: Questions And Problems Of Perspectives Of Art Respectively “Ends Of Art“ In The Aesthetic, Artistic And Philosophic Theories

Institute of Aesthetics and Art Culture of Faculty of Arts of University of Presov in Presov and Society for Aesthetics in Slovakia Invites you on cycle of scientific conferences with the theme: QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS OF PERSPECTIVES OF ART RESPECTIVELY … Read More

CfP: Aisthesis: Aesthetics of Photography

Aisthesis Call for Papers AISTHESIS – VOL. XI, ISSUE II, 2018 Aesthetics of Photography Advisory Editor: Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis ( Deadline for submission: May 31, 2018 Expected release: October 2018 Since the early decades of XX century, research in aesthetics … Read More

CfP: Aesthetics and the Political Actions of Art

Aesthetics and the Political Actions of Art Estudios de Filosofía No 58, june-december 2018 Philosophy journal This thematic issue seeks contributions about the relationship between art and politics. We are particularly interested in articles that address questions such as: how … Read More


Call for Papers Kant Yearbook 11/2019 “AESTHETICS” The KANT YEARBOOK is now accepting submissions for its eleventh issue in 2019. The KANT YEARBOOK is an international journal that publishes articles on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It is the KANT YEARBOOK’s … Read More

CfP: Studies in Somaesthetics: Embodied Perspectives in Philosophy, the Arts and the Human Sciences 

Studies in Somaesthetics: Embodied Perspectives in Philosophy, the Arts and the Human Sciences  Edited by Richard Shusterman, Florida Atlantic University, USA The editors of Brill’s Studies in Somaesthetics series invite submissions on the topic “Bodies in the Streets: Somaesthetics of … Read More

London Aesthetics Forum: “This is Awesome!” But is it Art? The Aesthetics of Pro-Wrestling

London Aesthetics Forum Date: 06 Dec 2017, 16:00 to 06 Dec 2017, 18:00 Series: The London Aesthetics Forum Type: Seminar Venue: Room 234, Second Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU See More: Description “This is Awesome!” But is … Read More

CfP: The Philosophy of Portraits

CALL FOR PAPERS The Philosophy of Portraits: An international conference April 13-14, 2018 University of Maryland College Park *extended deadline: 15 December * Portraits are everywhere. One finds them not just in museums and galleries, but also in newspapers and … Read More

Scottish Aesthetics Forum: Painting with Impossible Colours (Michael Newall)

  The lecture is free and open to all! Abstract: “Impossible colours are mixtures of hues that do not appear on the colour wheel. They are widely taken to be impossible to mix, experience or even imagine. This paper draws on … Read More

White Rose Aesthetics Forum – York Workshop

White Rose Aesthetics Forum – York Workshop 12 – 5pm December 12th, in K/133, King’s Manor, York We invite you to attend this free event, open to anybody with an interest in philosophical aesthetics. To register, to reserve a place … Read More

CfP: Evental Aesthetics

CFP: Open Call — Aesthetic Intersections 2 Deadline: 31 January 2018 Evental Aesthetics is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to philosophical and aesthetic intersections. The journal is open-access, and there are no publication fees. The Editors seek submissions for … Read More

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