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CFP: The Languages of Art

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Call for papers – Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio


Vol. 11, N. 2/2017: The Languages of Art

Edited by Cristina Meini

Deadline: 30 June 2017

Depending on whatkind of thing“language” is intended to be, different artistic–communicative codes can be considered as languages. For example, music is arguably a communicative code with a syntax – though by no means a universal syntax – but without a semantics. Or, perhaps,music has a peculiar semantics connected to the affective domain.Yet, what about dance? Dance and music share dynamicity, what Daniel Stern takes to be the fundamental aspect for communicating “forms of vitality”. Does this imply that dance hasa syntax, or a semantics, too?

Not less interesting are reflections concerning the “languages” of pictorial arts, both figurative and abstract.

The following list aims to suggest some possible topics, while certainly not exhausting the possible contributions:

– According to some influential models, verbal language is the expression of a universal grammar, while the syntax of artistic “languages”, when it exists, seems to be much more culturally determined. Which consequences should be drawnfrom such a difference? In what sense can we really speak of languages of art?

– Similarly, how can non-referential forms of art (such as pure music), be considered languages?

– Concerning music again – but the same could be said of dance -, which kind of relationship does it have with emotions? Does it depict them? Or rather it expresses them? Moreover, is the relationship literal, metaphorical or symbolic?

– More in general, could the relationship between languages of art and emotions possess a therapeutic value?The psychoanalyst Daniel Stern has developed a psychotherapy based on the analysis of the present moment that in each everyday action spontaneously expresses those Forms of vitality (a sort of proto-emotions) that art is particularly apt to convey. In this sense, Stern suggests a therapy using languages of art to overcome the traditional centrality of verbal language.

-What kind of contribution can cognitive sciences offer to the comprehension of the relationship between the different languages? In particular, neurophysiological studies and neuropsychological researches on cognitive dissociations both point to important commonalities as well as interesting overlappings, which are interesting to confront with.

Submissions may be in English, French, Italian and Spanish. Abstract in English of no more than 250 words is required for all manuscripts submitted. Each manuscript should have title and 5 keywords in English. Submissions must be prepared for blind review. The author’s name, the institutional affiliation and the title’s paper must be placed in a separate file. Manuscripts must be sent as Microsoft Word file (.doc or .rtf) to: segreteria.rifl@gmail.com

Instructions for authors:

Max length:
40000 characters (including spaces) for articles (including the references) and reviews;
20000 characters (including spaces) for interviews;
10000 characters (including spaces) for specific paper review.

Submission deadline: 30 June 2017
Issue publication: December 2017