Home » Call for abstracts » X-Phi Aesthetics Workshop Series @ Leeds

X-Phi Aesthetics Workshop Series @ Leeds

As part of the Experimental Philosophical Aesthetics and Human Nature project (Marie Curie Action Grant PIIF-GA-2012-328977), the University of Leeds is hosting a series of workshops that brings together philosophers and researchers in cognate empirical disciplines to discuss topics of common interest. Topics of upcoming workshops include: the language of aesthetics, attributions of minds to inanimate objects, and fiction and transportation. For more detail, please visit http://xphiaesthetics.wordpress.com/workshops/ .

The organisers invite submission of abstracts of 500-750 words from early career researchers (no more  than three years from PhD award date) whose work is relevant to any of the workshop topics.

The deadline is one month* before the relevant workshop.
(* for the upcoming Language of Aesthetics workshop on 15 March, the extended deadline is 28 February, 2014.)

Please send an abstract suitable for blind review as an attachment to  xphiaesthetics@gmail.com, and include in the main text of the email the following: targeted workshop topic, contact information, and current affiliation.

Researchers whose abstracts are selected will receive reimbursement for their lodging and within-UK travel expenses. Underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Abstracts will be selected on the basis of their philosophical quality and their relevance to
the project’s aims.