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Michael Morris named 2023 Wollheim Speaker

The American Society for Aesthetics and the British Society of Aesthetics are pleased to announce that Michael Morris will be the Richard Wollheim Lecturer at the ASA Annual Meeting at Arlington, VA, November 15-18, 2023.

Professor Morris is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Sussex University. His principal research interests are in metaphysics, philosophy of language, aesthetics, and Wittgenstein (especially the Tractatus). The main focus of his research is on the question of the relation between the real world and our representations of it. His recent book, Real Likenesses: Representation in Paintings, Photographs and Novels (OUP 2020) presents a radical new approach to artistic representation. At its heart is a serious reconsideration of the relationship between medium and content in representational art, which counters current dominant theories that make attention to the former inevitably a distraction from attending to the latter. The result is an intuitive way of thinking about how these art forms work.

For more information about Professor Morris, click here.

For more information about Professor Wollheim, click here.

The Richard Wollheim Lecture is jointly sponsored with the British Society of Aesthetics. The ASA nominates a lecturer to speak at the BSA annual conference in even years and the BSA nominates a lecturer to speak at the ASA annual meeting in odd years.

Previous Wollheim Lecturers:
2022: Rachel Zuckert
2021: Matthew Kieran
2020: Yuriko Saito
2019: Eileen John
2018: Carolyn Korsmeyer
2017: Derek Matravers
2016: Susan Feagin
2015: Catherine Wilson
2014: Jenefer Robinson
2013: Gregory Currie
2012: Kendall Walton
2011: Berys Gaut
2010: Noël Carroll
2009: Peter Lamarque