The symposium, The Slipperiness of Empathy: Navigating through Seas of Representation, (In)Visibility, and Erasure, took...
05/10/2024, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society Organisers: Professor Andy Hamilton, Bayley Moreton, Durham University Programme...
On the 30th of October 2024 over twenty philosophers, historians, and artists gathered at Newnham College at the University of Cambridge for...
Founded in 2006, the LAF aims to provide a lively environment for those already working...
On 11 July 2023, over fifty philosophers, psychologists, and artists gathered at the headquarters of...
06/10/2023 โ 07/10/2023, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical societyOrganisers: Professor Andy Hamilton, Bayley Moreton, Durham University...
‘Lost in the game: Philosophical explorations of play, power, and partying through the apocalypse’ ran...
University of Liverpool, 19 โ 21 June 2023 Topics like ideology, propaganda, persuasion and epistemic...
The LAF aims to provide a lively environment for those already working in aesthetics and...
Birmingham, June 2023. Philosophers from across Europe and North America gathered in Birmingham in June...