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Editor Search: The British Society of Aesthetics

The British Society of Aesthetics invites applications for the editorship of The British Journal of Aesthetics, the official journal of the Society, to begin in the autumn of 2019. Both individual applications and joint applications are welcome. The BSA particularly welcomes applications from under-represented groups in our profession.

The term of the Editor or Editors is five years, with a possible five-year renewal, subject to review and approval by the BSA Trustees Committee. The Editors must be members of the Society. They will receive financial support for journal-related travel, administrative assistance, and other editorial expenses.

The British Journal of Aesthetics is published four times a year on behalf of the Society by Oxford University Press. It includes articles, book reviews, and occasional symposia. From time to time a special issue may be devoted to a specific topic or the work of a particular individual.

The Editors are wholly responsible for the content of the Journal. They are ex officio members of the Trustees Committee of the Society, and are required to make an annual report to the Trustees Committee on the operations of the Journal. The Book Review Editor is selected by the Editors and reports to them. The Editors are supported by an Editorial Board and by the Editorial Consultants; members of both groups are appointed by the Editors.

Support for the Editors by their departments is welcome. This support may include, for example, administrative assistance and/or teaching release. There is no mandatory level of institutional support; such support will be weighed along with other factors. The nature and extent of any institutional support, and (where support is offered) a commitment from an authorised representative of the institution, must be included in applications.

The Editorship involves close collaboration with the Trustees Committee and with the publisher, both of which are based in the UK. For this reason, the principal employer of the Editor, or of at least one of the co-Editors, must be an academic institution in the UK. This rule can be waived in order to enable a serving Editor or co-Editor to take up a permanent or long-term appointment at an institution outside the UK, or to enable a serving Editor or co-Editor to continue in post after retirement, but only by a specific decision of the BSA Trustees Committee. It may be waived subject to any conditions the BSA Trustees Committee regards as necessary or helpful for the smooth running of the Journal.

In addition to the indication of institutional commitment (if any) noted above, applications should include a CV (or CVs) and a statement from the applicant(s) detailing their reasons for applying, their qualifications for the editorial role, and their vision and/or plans for the future of the Journal. Applicants may wish to explain how they would like to see the content of the Journal evolve, how they would increase the range or diversity of contributions to, or readers of, the Journal, and so on.

Applications should be submitted to Caroline Auty, the BSA Manager, at admin@british-aesthetics.org by 15 February 2019. A search committee consisting of members of the BSA Trustees Committee will review applications, conduct interviews, and recommend an appointment to the Trustees Committee, which will make the final decision. It is expected that candidates will be interviewed in the Spring of 2019.
For further information, please contact the BSA Manager.

Caroline Auty
Manager, British Society of Aesthetics