Is art dangerous or harmless? Is it still meaningful to talk about beauty in art? What is the role of art, if there is any role at all? These questions have been playing a central role in philosophical reflection since Plato, especially in his discussion of the place of art in the Polis and his distinctions between art and truth; and art and object, poetry and philosophy. In modernity, new limits arose throughout the Kantian concept of aesthetic experience and the disinterest of aesthetic judgment, the autonomy of art claimed by romanticism and Hegel’s controversial thesis of the end of art. In the 20th century, in turn, philosophers such as Theodor Adorno, Arthur Danto and Jacques Ranciére have carried out the discussions about the emancipatory content of art, the tension between aesthetics and concept and the place of art in a public space – problematizing, with different interpretations, bordering aspects of aesthetics and expanding the reflections about the aesthetic dimension beyond art.
These questions have oriented the Colloquium “Borders of aesthetics”, realized in December 2016 at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil), in partnership with Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. In the context of this colloquium, the Perspectiva Filosófica Journal will publish a special issue devoted to bordering aspects of aesthetics. We welcome papers equally with a philosophical standpoint and through an interdisciplinary framework. The range of themes of possible relevance to this special issue is vast, extending across the relation between aesthetics and subjects like rationality, concept, history and post-history, politics, psychoanalysis, technology, public space, postcolonial perspectives .
Please submit your paper by email to the editors of this special issue: Prof. Filipe Campello(filipe.campello@ufpe.
The deadline for submissions is July 5, 2017.
Website of the Perspectiva Filosófica Journal: