Home » Call for abstracts » CFA: Intermediality and transmediality in contemporary artistic practices

CFA: Intermediality and transmediality in contemporary artistic practices

University of Genoa, 13-14 November 2015

The conference aims at offering an opportunity to carry on pondering over different theoretical approaches; over how to conceptualise the various relations within the creative and reception processes of any art work; and finally over any further critical readings of them all.

Keynote speakers:
Carola Barbero (Università di Torino, Labont)
Jean-Pierre Cometti (Aix-Marseille Université)
Roberto Diodato (Università Cattolica, Milano)
Bernard Vouilloux (Université Paris IV Sorbonne)

Paper proposals (max 300 words) together with a bio-bibliographical note (max 100 words) should be submitted by 15 February 2015 to


Acceptance for proposals will be sent by 15 March 2015.

Authors of accepted proposals are expected to submit full papers prior to the conference by 15 October 2015. Preliminary research results will thus be shared among the conference participants to further enhance conversation and discussion.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the official conference proceedings.

An interdisciplinary research group bringing together scholars, researchers and PhD students from the Modern Languages (LCM) and Philosophy (DAFIST) department at Genoa University announces an international conference themed around issues relating to recent experimental phenomena in the field of contemporary art and literature.
After the extraordinary flourishing avant-garde and new avant-garde art, in the last decades of the 20th century and early 21st century, an increasing number of hybrid works has been produced in literature, visual arts, and new media: the way creative practices circulate within them is not only worth noting but plays a role of paramount importance.

Hybridism, intermediality, transmediality, multimediality, and intersemiosis are the terms that allow us to deal with the variety of such intertwining processes where all sorts of blending take place – i.e. loans from film, photography, digital and video art, literature, etc. – but a clear-cut distinction among these concepts has not been drawn yet. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this international conference aims to enhance critical reasoning around the topic and to create a lively theoretical debate.

In the art field, nowadays, there is an increasing openess among artists to make their practices combine different media – i.e. pictorial storytelling, reading/video/performance, conceptual art, new artistic media, etc. More and more works are conceived regardless of their traditional boundaries and away from institutional places. In addition artistic collaborations stemming from a range of cultural backgrounds have increased exponentially.
In the literary field, the word-image relationship is a topic that has been and continue to be extensively explored and the one criticism has mainly focused on. Equally consistent is the amount of works devoted to themes that span across different art fields. Lately, an up-to-date, innovative critical trend has seen attention intensify around literature “outside” the text, namely forms of representation and performance stemming from a written work that reshape it into a vast array of genres.

More and more actively, critical enquiry has examined transmedial phenomena. As a matter of fact, several are the research areas in which epistemological approaches have been applied – e.g. media and visual studies, literary theory, cognitive philosophy and sciences – some of the most popular researched topics for istance are: the central role played by the addressee in the transmedial arts and his/her role in the building up of meaning/message; the role played by the body in the artistic creation – i.e. the “virtual body” as a “body-image”; the new media performance; the intersemiotic relations; etc.

Scientific Commitee:
Elisa Bricco (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM) Michaela Bürger (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM) Jean-Pierre Cometti (Aix-Marseille Université) Nicola Ferrari (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM) Céline Flécheux (Université de Paris 7) Marcello Frixione (Università di Genova, DAFIST) Oscar Meo (Università di Genova, DAFIST) Luisa Montecucco (Università di Genova, DAFIST) Nancy Murzilli (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM/IFI) Magali Nachtergael (Université de Paris 13) Laura Quercioli (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM) Chiara Rolla (Università di Genova, Dip.LCM) Bernard Vouilloux (Université de Paris IV Sorbonne)

Organizing Committee:
Elisa Bricco Ilaria Boeddu Alessandro Bruzzone Michaela Bürger Anna Fochesato Marcello Frixione Oscar Meo Luisa Montecucco Valeria Mosca Nancy Murzilli Laura Quercioli Chiara Rolla Laura Santini