Home » Call for papers » Call for Papers: Dubrovnik Philosophy of Art Conference 2021

Call for Papers: Dubrovnik Philosophy of Art Conference 2021

posted in: Call for papers, Event

The annual Philosophy of Art conference moves online this year, and will take place over two days, Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th April 2021. Speakers from Croatia, Canada, the US and the UK discuss a range of issues in the philosophy of art, including the aesthetics of poetry, artistic creation, music and theatrical performance. In keeping with conference traditions, the schedule allows ample time for discussion of each presentation and interaction amongst conference participants, this year via the virtual platform Zoom.

Philosophers of art, aestheticians, artists, art historians and scholars in neighbouring disciplines are warmly invited to attend and participate in debate. For more information, visit https://iuc.hr/programme/1339. To register and receive the conference programme and weblinks, please email dbphilart@gmail.com.

Pleasr click here for a pdf of the full programme: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ui=2&ik=afc0b33f53&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1695578063825447644&th=1787e743f742aadc&view=att&disp=inline