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BSA Trustees Committee: Call for Expressions of Interest

The British Society of Aesthetics is seeking to appoint two new ordinary members of the Trustees Committee, with effect from September 2014. Any member of the Society is entitled to stand for election. Previous engagement with the BSA is desirable but not essential. The standard term is three years, renewable.

Applicants should be professional academics working in philosophical aesthetics, broadly conceived. Applicants should be prepared to participate on one of the Society’s various script-reading committees (typically one reading duty per year) and, more generally, to work as an active member of the Trustees Committee on behalf of the Society.

Attendance at Trustee meetings is expected, for which UK travel expenses will be paid. There are typically two meetings each year, one in London and one at the Society’s annual conference. Attendance at the full annual conference is desirable; conference fees are currently waived and UK travel expenses reimbursed.

In the event of there being more than two applicants, there will be a vote amongst the general membership. Members may vote either by post or in person at the annual conference.

Please send expressions of interest, accompanied by a paragraph of not more than 250 words in support of your candidacy, to the BSA Manager (admin@british-aesthetics.org) by the deadline of Monday 18 August 2014.

Should a vote be required, candidates’ information will be posted on the Society’s website and circulated to members. Results will be announced at the AGM on 20 September 2014.