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The Future of Art | Conference

On the 30th of October at Newnham College, Dr Milena Ivanova is hosting an event, sponsored by the British Society of Aesthetics, to think about the Future of Art in the AI Age.

The event will explore questions like:

  • Are AI generated artworks really art?
  • Can they be good art?
  • What is the role of AI in the creative process?
  • Can AI be a coauthor or a collaborator?
  • Can we engage with AI art in a meaningful way?
  • Can we overcome the biases in our art history by using AI?

This is a discussion-based event which will feature a number of talks and interactive based sessions among all participants, a more detailed programme will be included here once finalised.

Call for Participation:
The organisers invite interested participants to submit a short (250 word) statement of interest in which they outline their research interests and relevance of the event to their work to the organiser Dr Milena Ivanova at mi342 – at – cam.ac.uk

Submission deadline: 1st of October 2024
Notification date: 5th of October 2024

Please include ‘Future of Art Application’ in the subject line of your email.

The organisers look forward to exploring the Future of Art with you!